► According to Latest Syllabus of NCERT
► STANDARD 12 (Science Stream) Mathematics PART 1 & 2
► Salient Features of the Book.
♦ 3000+ MCQS.
♦ Includes 2 Special Booklets.
♦ An extensive compilation of Mcqs from Previous Board, GUJCET and JEE Exams.
♦ A booklet with 13 Chapter-Wise Unit Test for Extra Practice.
♦ Includes Chapter-wise Self Practice Questions.
♦ A brief summary of the theoretical concepts in each chapter, including definitions and formulas.
♦ Includes all exercises and examples from the Textbook with solution.
♦ Each chapter includes topic-wise MCQs from the Textbook and NCERT exemplar, with solutions.
♦ Shortcuts for rapid calculations in MCQS.
♦ Includes Chapter-Wise MIND MAPS for Quick Revision.
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